Thursday, January 29, 2009

New year, new dreams.........

The year 2008 was good for the Jackson County Master Gardeners. We got a lot accomplished. We volunteered more hours in 2008 than we have ever offered before- 2581.75 hours!

We presented a 'check' to the Jackson County Commissioners Court for the amount of $50,369.94. That was what our hours were worth, in terms of dollars. Of course, we didn't actually give them a real check- it was a big 'fake' check, but good for our county anyway.

On January 26, 2009, the Jackson County Commissioners Court voted unanimously to approve a partnership between Jackson County Commissioners Court and Jackson County Master Gardeners to build a demonstration garden at the Old Jail. We have been busy planning and designing the garden to teach about gardening and to share our knowledge of horticulture with the citizens of our county and all who will visit.
This is an ambitious project for our little group, but one we can achieve.

We plan to include a shade garden, ginger garden, butterfly garden, childrens' garden, vegetable garden (to include herbs and fruit as well), a greenhouse, water garden, knot garden, cottage garden/heirloom garden, flowering shrubs and ornamental grass garden. We want to show the many types of pathways, and the many materials that can be well used in a garden. We want our garden to be beautiful and instructive, and we want everyone to know they can have a beautiful garden, regardless of their means.

I can envision school children touring our garden, learning about seeds and seedlings, or planting little acorns to grow into majestic oak trees. Or maybe, because of our vegetable garden, a young mother will learn to grow vegetables to feed her family. We plan to donate the vegetables we grow to the Food Pantry, or to the jail kitchen. Everybody has to eat!

We are so excited about this project, and we just cannot wait to get started with the actual physical building of the garden! We are thankful for our Jackson County Commissioners Court!

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